Static testing / Portable Appliances



Portable Appliance Testing and Anti-Static Testing has become a fundamental requirement for maintaining electrical safety in the workplace. The purpose of Portable Appliance and Anti-Static Testing is to test any form of portable electrical equipment within your business and ensure it is fully functioning and is safe for its intended use.

Anti-Static versus Electrically Conductive: Electrically Conductive (EC) are manufactured and tested to offer nil or very low electrical resistance to prevent build-up of static which could lead to sparking and explosion in dangerous environments. The test is carried out to BS 2050 and is passed if the resistance is between 0-500,000 ohms.

Anti-Static tyres (AS) are tested to have a higher resistance and should only be used to improve operator comfort and are not recommended for use in explosive atmospheres. The resistance will be from 500,000 – 5,000,000 ohms.

For Safety reasons in EX zones anti-static (AS) tyres can have a risk that they could be used inappropriately where electrically conductive (EC) tyres should be used.

Zone 1 Machines

For Zone 1 Machine, plastic surface resistance and the wheel surface resistance must not exceed 109 Ohm, plus all the Zone 2 requirements must be adhered to. 

With new tyres, a certificate from the tyre supplier stating the testing resistance in ohms for each tyre supplied should be supplied. Conductive tyres should be fitted to at least one wheel; ideally this should be a driven wheel. Best practice is for all tyres to be conductive.




TEL: 045-868342 /


Serial No: ____________________________


Date Test Carried out: ___________________


Safety inspection, certification and calibration of materials handling and safety equipment is Lifting and Handling Services speciality. Contact us for technical and legal advice on +353 45 868342 (email :  or visit our download section.

You can download our technical services brochure on Static testing / Portable Appliance Testing Solutions.