The requirements under regulation S.I No. 445 of 2012 mean that air receivers and pressure vessels must be inspected and certified within a prescribed schedule. LHS have the competency to carry out an examination and test of pressure vessels under the Regulations and will supply a report of the results of such examinations.
LHS Services carry out the Statutory Inspection and Certification of Air Receivers and Pressure Vessels for national and multinational companies. Our surveyor team have the capacity to open, inspect and pressure test high volume air receivers and carry out maintenance on all makes of air receivers, compressors and associated equipment.
LHS also provide a safety and rescue service for external inspection specialist companies who have to enter confined space areas, with the the rescue team supplying safe access inside and outside the vessels and providing clean air and extraction systems while monitoring body heat, heart rate and gas monitors.
What is an air receiver?
Primary receiver - located near the compressor, after the air cooler but before filtration and drying equipment
- Secondary receiver - located close to points of larger intermittent air consumptions
- Any vessel for containing compressed air and connected with the air compressing plant
Any fixed vessel for containing compressed air or compressed exhaust gases and used for the purpose of starting an internal combustion engine. Any fixed or portable vessel (not being part of a spraying pistol) used for the purpose of spraying by means of compressed air any paint, varnish, lacquer or similar material.
Any vessel in which oil etc. is stored and from which it is forced by compressed air.
Further information is available at:
- Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC
- Guide to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Pressure Systems (General Application)(Amendment) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 445 of 2012)
- Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive 1999/36/EC EC (Transportable Pressure Equipment) Regulations 2004, S.I. 374 of 2004
All new air receivers should conform to BS EN 286-1 or BS 5169, where applicable, or to a standard providing equal integrity.
All air receivers will have a signed self-adhesive label affixed showing the date of inspection and the work carried out. An inspection report and certificate of conformance will be given to you showing the details of the service history of each receiver.

Safety inspection, certification and calibration of materials handling and safety equipment is Lifting and Handling Services speciality. Contact us for technical and legal advice on +35345 868342 (email: or visit our download section.