The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act require every employer to carry out Risk Assessments. To understand the risks is in fact the core of all effective safety systems and only by understanding the risks can we remove or minimise improper conduct or behaviour which is likely to put safety and health at risk.
Lifting and Handling Services has extensive experience in providing strategic commercial safety auditing services to a diverse range of industries. It is important to recognise that Risk Assessment is fundamental to good health and safety management. It is an important step in protecting your workers and your business, as well as complying with the law. All employers, regardless of the size of business, are required by law to carry out a risk assessment at their place of work and keep a written record of same.
Risk Assessment is an important tool which looks closely at all of the aspects of your place of work and about your work activities that could cause harm to your employees and visitors to your workplace, and determines the control measures that require to be implemented to minimise any potential risk.
The basic steps on completing a risk assessment are:
- Step 1: Identify the hazards through our TapRooT Programme
- Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how
- Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
- Step 4: Record your findings and implement them
- Step 5: Review your assessment and update if necessary
Benefits of External Safety Auditing
Although employees are more familiar with the layout and equipment used in their workplace, an independent viewpoint is important in order to ensure a truly comprehensive assessment. By engaging a specialist from LHS, you benefit from:

- A new, objective perspective, which is important in identify all risks around the workplace.
- Specialist knowledge and experience, which allows us to recognise hazards that you may not have identified as presenting OHS issues
- Specialist OHS expertise from a company that is dedicates to keeping up to date with all relevant standards, legislation and guidelines.
- See Guidelines on Risk Assessments and Safety Statements published by the Health and Safety Authority, six steps to continuous improvement.
Safety inspection, certification and calibration of materials handling and safety equipment is Lifting and Handling Services speciality. Contact us for technical and legal advice on +353 45 868342 (email : or visit our download section.
You can also download our technical services brochure on Risk Assessment & Safety Auditing Services.